About us



Our Mission

Our mission at Herbal Para Life is to serve your health needs with the best ayurvedic herbal products. Through powerful formulations and ancient lifestyle tips, our aim is to bring balance to your body and life. It is not disease that creates imbalance; rather, disease is a symptom of imbalance. When we bring our body into a state of equilibrium, its natural state, and maintain this state, the symptom is good health.

This is our goal: to help you achieve a state of balance resulting in naturally resilient and good health. Our knowledge is based on the world's oldest holistic wellness system. It is sustainable, using whole plants, authentic ayurvedic ingredients, and meticulous manufacturing to craft ayurvedic formulations that deliver maximum effect for the mind, body, and emotions.

Our Promise

Our herbals, natural skin care line, massage oils, aromatherapeutic blends, and teas are all created to do one thing: restore and maintain balance where imbalance exists.

Our vision

Our vision is to expand the Ayurvedic philosophy to a new and growing market of natural supplement users throughout the world by providing the highest quality, science-based, Ayurvedic products.

Our Commitment

Ayurveda literally means "the science of life." Herbal Para Life was founded by Ayurvedic and naturopathic physicians who believe in healthy living in body, mind, and spirit, and who also believe in maintaining the highest quality control standards in the herbal supplement industry. Herbal Para Life has maintained these standards since it was founded and is committed to continuing that tradition as it meets the needs of our customers in the years to come.

Formulated by Ayurvedic and naturopathic physicians and made from standardized herbal extracts to ensure quality and potency, products from Herbal Para LIfe are safe, effective, and a natural part of a healthy lifestyle.